wauw look at this Sharon b nominated me for the nice matters award
thank you so much ,,,,, but now I have to go and think about the ones I want to nominate
and there are many ,,,,,,,,,
I stard here in my country there are 3 ladies I want to nominate
jacqueline , I love here art and she is a lovely ladie
Heidi, a great artist and a loving persone
annejeu also a great artist and I think it is of great impotans to nominate these people we are a small country with great woman and they make greatt art
Waltraud and Beate some great artist from germany
Dianne shirley these are also great friends and wonderful artists
there are so many more to nominate and it is so hard to do it I have many great friends one the internet and I love you all
4 opmerkingen:
Thanks for the flowers Emmy. I want you live more in the direction south so that we can meet and show our art. In general I love al your work especially the hand stitched ones.
Your harmony in color is great.
May be we can arrange and have some day a date.
Thank you, Emmy, how lovely of you to nominate me! I haven't been a very good Blog reader lately, due to my impending move; hopefully it'll all get better soon.
Thank you for nominating!!
Dank je Emmy, wat een eer!
Ik zal mijn best doen om een goed blogger te zijn.
Ik hoop toch snel kennis met je te maken. Kom je misschien naar Waalre?
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