
zondag, oktober 08, 2017

Grey Sunday

Grey Sunday afternoon
Rain is fallen glistering gloom
Inside it ,s  warm and cozy
Time for some stitching and relaxing
Watch a movie and some texting
Even when the day is grey
Smile  and have a lovely Sunday

maandag, september 11, 2017

Lovely poem

Dust if you must

Dust if you must  , but would it not be better
To paint a picture or write a letter
Bake a cake or plant a seed
Pounder the difference between want and need

Dust if you must  , but there is not much time
With rivers to swim  and mountains to climb
Music to here and books to read
Friends to cherish and life to lead

Dust if you must ,but the world is out there
With the sun in your eyes , the wind in your hair
A flutter of snow , a shower of rain
This day will not come around again

 Dust if you must ,but bear in mind
Old age will come and it is not kind
And when you go -and go you must
You yourself will make more dust

a great poem to live by

zaterdag, september 02, 2017

Hexagone ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Het zomert in mijn ogen
Het wintert in mijn geest

van de lente wil ik dromen
maar de herfst treft mij het meest

zondag, augustus 20, 2017

Stevies Garden

Stevies Garden on my bed
Still thing need to be done

As I look out to Stevies garden
I feel a sense of pride

I have a garden filled with flowers
outside in the summer and warm in winter time 

As I look out to my garden
I feel a sense of pride
It really is a lovely room
Except it is outside.


woensdag, juli 12, 2017

I Wish

Better times, better days,

That's all I wanted,

All I desired,

I did not need more,

Did not need luxury,

Better times, better days,

This is what I wish for,

To have no worries,

No cares, no qualms,

To relax careless,

Better times, better days,

vrijdag, juni 16, 2017

Geen kind meer

Je leeft je eigen leven, wat zij er ook van vindt
Je bent allang geen kind meer, al blijf je ook haar kind
Je wilt er over praten, maar niet op haar manier
Je zult haar best verdriet doen, maar niet voor je plezier
Wat moet je nog met haar en met haar ouderlijk gezag
En dan opeens dan is 'ie er, die dag

De dag waarop je moeder sterft dat jij wordt los gelaten
En al haar eigenschappen erft die jij zo in haar haatte
De scherpe tong, de bokkenpruik, de zure schooljuffrouw
Die zullen ze dan binnenkort herkennen gaan in jou

En hopelijk ook de andere kant, de aardige, de zachte
Maar of je die hebt meegeërfd valt nog maar af te wachten
De dag waarna de rest een kwestie wordt van tijd en pijn
De dag waarna je nooit meer kind zult zijn

Wat al die jaren fout ging komt dan niet meer terecht
En wat je nog wou zeggen, blijft eeuwig ongezegd
De machteloze frasen van je genegenheid
En dat het niet haar schuld was en ook dat het je spijt
De dingen die je lang niet zeggen kon en zeggen wou
En dan zo graag nog één keer zeggen zou

De dag waarop je moeder sterft, de dag die al je dagen
Van dan af aan wat grijzer verft al hou je niks te klagen
Je hebt je goede vrienden nog, die staan je ook dichtbij
En als je soms een minnaar zoekt dan staan ze in de rij
Maar niemand zal meer weten hoe je met je pop kon spelen
En niemand zal nog ooit je vroegste vroeger met je delen
De dag waarna je nooit meer kwetsbaar wezen kunt en klein
De dag waarna je nooit meer kind zult zijn

zaterdag, april 29, 2017


April ,,,, yes ,, well
It was a nasty month

My brithday
That was oke 

Many lovely friends  and presents

65 red roses 
 my love gave them

nice stitching
it was to cold to do something in the garden 
so i am working on a garden in the house
stevies garden

more flowers
an other quilt I am making

I was sad there was dead and and some got sick

Wel it is almost may
hope  we get better days

vrijdag, maart 31, 2017

Almost April

April, dear April, I beg you come soon –

And bring your sweet primroses too.

Let them join in with the daffodils’ play,

As skies offer sunshine anew.

April, dear April, my blessed spring child,

Ornate in your yellow and white,

Teasing the birds into trilling their songs

And dancing to music of flight.

April, dear April, come enter my dreams

And rid me from cold winter chills.

Banish the rain and those blustery winds

And warm up our countryside hills. 

April, dear April, I know you can’t stay -

You have to move on ‘till next year.

And though I shall cherish the glory of summer,

You’ll always be my month most dear.

zondag, maart 05, 2017

Never a dull moment

 every month a new block
 sometimes a little basket
 and some secrets  sssssst,...

zaterdag, februari 18, 2017

The Rose

Some say love, it is a river, that drowns the tender reed
 Some say love, it is a razor, that leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need
I say love, it is a flower, and you, its only seed

Its the heart afraid of breaking, that never learns to dance
Its the dream afraid of waking, that never takes the chance
Its the one who won't be taking, who cannot seem to give
And the soul afraid of dying, that never learns to live

 When the night has been too lonely,
and the road has been too long,
and you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
far beneath the bitter snow
lies the seed
that with the sun's love
in the spring
becomes the rose

zaterdag, februari 11, 2017

Matters of the heart

You can take a pill or potion
For most anything that ails
There's an ointment or a lotion
When the pill or potion fails

But there's a fortune waiting
For the one who can impart
A cure to heal the aching
In the matters of the heart


vrijdag, februari 10, 2017

Red Cats

Cats all around 
Playing with yarn
So cute 

Cats scratching meowing
cats sleeping 
lazy cats

zondag, januari 29, 2017

Lost and Found

Nothing is ever lost
But rather misplaced

If you are looking
Keep looking
If you are searching
Keep searching
If you are lost
Do not give up hope
For you will be found

If one looks
One can find
If one is lost
One can be found
Again and again

zaterdag, januari 28, 2017


It is always  a little party
when the flowers are on the table

the water is better then elsewhere
it is the best

zondag, januari 22, 2017

Hello World

On a Sunday morning
It is dark and cold outside

I could not sleep anymore
so I sit here in a warm room
my Friends by my site

little Hearts and some baskets
stitching and thinking

 Feeling fine

have a lovely Sunday 

vrijdag, januari 20, 2017

100 Hartjes

If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;

If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,

Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.

poem by Emily Dickinson