My monotone piece is progresing I am sure now about the layout ,there is still a lot of work on this ,
I made it a bit bigger it is 13 /11 inch
Tomorow I have to work all day I wil not have much time to stitch so I wil do some stitching this evening
And I must visite some blogs I have been a little behinde Thank you all for the comments on my work I love it when you do so
I try to keep up whit you all but TIME ,,,,,
Thanks anyway all of you
12 opmerkingen:
I love how this piece is starting out, It'll be great to see it progress through its stages :-)
I have also been behind in my visiting blogs. I admire the way you're working to a design here, Emmy.
Emmy,my goodness I LOVE what you have done here so far.
I like what you have done so far.
The design reminds me a bit of Kandinsky's shapes but the subdued colors are even better! I adore the button-holed "holes" in the scrim, the texture, and the way you've created layers that blend together but still stand on their own. Nice work.
Ziet er nu al goed uit Emmy, mooi dat doorzichtige scrim, vooral hoe het gedrapeerd is.
LOVE this piece! The stitching is looking awesome.
You are so clever.
A pleasure to watch.
This is fantastic already!!!! Can't wait to see it finished.
A wonderful development, I am looking forward to the next steps.
I love seeing the progression from sketch and idea to touchable form. Things change a little on the way but that is fine.
wow !! Love these one!
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