fabric and embroidery yarn dyeing some in a plastic bag and in a vase the results from the vase are so lovely the first photo,s are from the vase the last photo is yarn out of the plastic bags the fabric is hanging to dry I show you the results later
the colors are so beautiful
yarn from the vase
18 opmerkingen:
wow, the yarn looks great, how do you do that?
The yarn from the vase is so rich in color, really beautiful.
Ha Emmy, MOOI!
Wat een geweldig mooie kleuren. Hoe krijg je ze zo intens gekleurd?
En in welke volgorde doe je dit alles in de vaas. Dat lijkt mij ook wel een leuk experiment. En waar ik ook nieuwsgierig naar ben is waar je het garen haalt. En rol je het zelf zo mooi op? Of is dat al zo als je het koopt?
Je hebt er in ieder geval weer prachtig materiaal bij. Dat inspireert enorm!
The yarn looks stunning.
How do you manage to rinse it thoroughly without it getting into a mess?
What amazing colours you have achieved Emmy they are stunning.
Fabulous! You did a great job.
The yarns are great. Love the vase ones. Ditto Jude...have we missed how you do it??
Love the New look blog BTW...I haven't visited for a while (usually read via bloglines)
Yummy colours. The yarn is so bright!
Beautiful, beautiful colors! I'm with everyone else: How do you do it?
Really beautiful Emmy. I would grab them if I were near them!
I am in total agreement with the rest Emmy. The colours are great!
There's nothing like a vase full of dyed fabric and yarn!
C'est beau. Très beau. Georgous colours
these yarns are a feast!!!!
Je kleuren zijn geweldig mooi, welke verf gebruik je?
Those colours are absolutely gorgeous!
i am completely fascinated with these dyed fibres and cloth. Can you tell me what you use to get such vibrant colors?
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