
maandag, juli 28, 2008

nr 4

the last circle for the quilt I was not sure to make one more but I wil .I must. it was not good to have 3 circles there hase to be 4 circles so this one I wil add to the quilt
little stitches most herringbone just like the other circles
so almost done

So Hot

So hot 29 degree I dont like this weather and look I finished this for coolder days

I must be crazy !!!!!

I cut the front and with the embellisher I punched the edge 3 lovely buttons and now I like it

zaterdag, juli 19, 2008

My playground

here is a closeup of the branche I added to the quilt to be .I also named it
Playground ,,,,,,,

Ik denk dat ik nooit poëzie zal lezen
Die zo lieflijk als een boom kan wezen.

Een boom wiens begerige mond dors
tNaar de hongerige aardeborst.

Een boom die tot God bidt dag en nacht
En met armen vol loof naar hem tracht.

Een zomerse eik of perelaar
Met een roodborstjesnest in zijn haar.

Op wiens boezem een sneeuwlaag rustte
En die elke regendruppel kuste.

Poëzie, zinvol of een beetje zot ?
Bomen, fotosynthese of hand van God ?!

Joyce Kilmer - 1913

go to Margo,s blog to reed in English

a great day

Yesterday was a great day and today is also a lovely day
We went to Frederiksoord and to Oldeberkoop willy and I and we met so many wonderful people al friends from the net and now we could talk to them in person and see some work they made .

Annette Jacqueline Laura they hade workshops and an exhibition in Frederiksoord
so nice to meet them and see there work

Corryna and Ina the new members of the group Dutch bag Ladies lovely to see you and you are so welkom to the group

Ina was given demo,s with the Fab-U-Motion a gadget we wanted for some time and we ,,,Willy and I,,,, bouth the gadget and the big surprice IT came today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so you know what i wil do this weekend <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

The last picture is a little piece of a quilt I am working this quilt is the challange for the other group - Tafel 2 -

I must go and play with my new gadget so see you soon have a very nice weekend

donderdag, juli 17, 2008

stitching along

More pages finished slowly is the journal coming to an end .

The mandala for the duch bag ladies is also coming along very nice
you can see the mandala (in progres) on the other blog and more mandala,s

I must go to bed ,,,, we wil go out for A lovely day , Willy and my little person are going to meet
some internet friends they have a exhibition and workshops in Frederiksoord
and in Oldeberkoop is also a exhibition so a very wonderful day

zondag, juli 06, 2008

much better

This is one of the pieces of fabric and the one I love the best after a second time of dyeing
I try to make a quilt out of this piece of fabric

screen print

Screen print for the fist time and I think it is so lovely
I am not sure what I wil make of it
But that is not importend it was a try out and it worked out very nice
I printed it on a piece of fabrik that we dyed at willy,s place
The other pieces of fabrik are not so good so I wil dye them again

donderdag, juli 03, 2008

A Paint party

A very hot day but a beautiful day we painted some fabrick by Willy in here big garden
we hade lots of fun and the fabrick willy dyed is beautiful

Sandra made also pictures you can see it on here blog . but here are Willy and Sandra she does not like to get here picture taken but is was a smal tree so here you are Sandra

It was a wonderful day and we learned a lot about dyeing fabrick one thing first you must be patient
So next time we wil be more patient just like Willy
The challange is to make a quilt from one of the dyed pieces of fabrick yes we keep the challanges going