
donderdag, juli 03, 2008

A Paint party

A very hot day but a beautiful day we painted some fabrick by Willy in here big garden
we hade lots of fun and the fabrick willy dyed is beautiful

Sandra made also pictures you can see it on here blog . but here are Willy and Sandra she does not like to get here picture taken but is was a smal tree so here you are Sandra

It was a wonderful day and we learned a lot about dyeing fabrick one thing first you must be patient
So next time we wil be more patient just like Willy
The challange is to make a quilt from one of the dyed pieces of fabrick yes we keep the challanges going

5 opmerkingen:

Shirley Goodwin zei

Oh what fun!

Guzzisue zei

good messey fun!!

Sandra zei

wie is toch die vreemde vrouw achter die boom ;)

Anoniem zei

Heerlijk zo samen "spelen"!

Unknown zei

Ziet er heel gezellig uit, ben benieuwd naar jullie resultaten.