The challenge on the embellisher for this week is different Backing .
you can see al the details on Nuvovelt
I tryed some things I have never used befor
but I was not happy with the result
And today I was shopping for an other challenge
I have to make a tranperant quilt
And I found ,Lamifix, you can irion it on fabric it is plastic and it stays transparent
Playing and looking for more Ideas I just added some wool and some silk on the Lamifix and run it under the embellisher
what you see is the backside it is very soft and
the plastic gifs it a nice shine
I am very pleased with the result
I dont no if I can use it on the other challenge
but this is very nice
2 opmerkingen:
It does look nice and glossy!! I've never heard of Lamifix before.
Hoi Emmy, dat ziet er goed uit! Waar heb je de lamifix vandaan, als ik vrsgen mag??
Groetjes, Annette
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